Friday, January 24, 2014


Organic vs Conventional Food: Does it really matter?

This has been a long standing debate among researchers, dietitians and people in general. Organic is the best, GMOs are horrible, Pesticides and hormones will kill you ect. I have heard it all. So today I am going to try and smoothen the controversy.

I read a lot of scientific research papers and did a lot of research. The conclusion…..

Organic nor conventional is good or bad. One does not have more nutritional content than the other. 
Organic foods are not the answer to all our modern day diseases.

Once found only in health food stores, organic food is now a regular feature at most supermarkets. And that's created a bit of a dilemma in the produce aisle. On one hand, you have conventionally grown grapes and on the other, you have organic. Both bags of grapes are firm and shiny. Both provide vitamins and fiber, and both are free of fat, sodium and cholesterol. Which should you choose?

When making the personal decision about whether to buy organic or conventional foods, people may consider the differences in cost, pesticide residue, nutrition and/or environmental impacts.

Cost: Organic foods typically cost more than conventional foods. In part, the higher price is related to natural fertilizer and labor-intense pest control tactics. Regulations limit the number of pesticide products available to organic producers.

Pesticide Residue: Research has demonstrated that organic fruits and vegetables have smaller amounts of pesticide residue than produce that was grown conventionally. However, pesticide residue is reduced substantially by routine food handling practices such as washing, peeling and cooking.

Nutrition: Some research has found higher levels of phenolic compounds and certain vitamins in organic produce. Other research has found no significant difference in the nutritional quality of organic and conventionally grown foods.

Few more things to consider when you look for organic food:
It is not a sustainable way of farming to feed the world
Organic crops are susceptible to more diseases and parasites
GMOs are not bad!! They are just a modified gene of the plant that makes the plant tougher to withstand bad conditions
If the entire world went organic half of the world’s population will have no food
Conventional foods maybe higher in its pesticide content it does not make it bad

If you have access and the money for organic foods go ahead. But till you eat healthy and make nutritious food choices organic food is going to be of no help to your health problems.

Bottom Line:
  • There is no difference in the nutritional content of Organic vs Conventional food
  • Organic food should be consumed mainly by pregnant women and young children. Beyond that all normal healthy adults have no reason to choose it over conventional food
  • Wash and peel your fruits and vegetables well to take out most of the pesticide residue
  • If there was no conventional food most of the world’s population would have no access to food
  • Eat healthy and exercise that is the best way to be healthy. Choosing organic food will not help you more than conventional food choices.

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