Monday, January 27, 2014


Brown Rice vs White Rice: White or Brown Lies?

Rice is a cereal grain; it is the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world's human population, especially in Asia. It is the grain with the second-highest worldwide production, after corn, according to data for 2012.

In general, rice is a good source of B vitamins, such as thiamin and niacin, and also provides iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. Although rice is lower in protein than other cereal grains, its protein quality is good.

Somewhere along the line, a terrible rumor began: White rice is bad, and brown rice is good. I’m not sure who started it, but today I will try to explain and clear the confusion to my best abilities.
I think the best way to explain this by showing you a nutritional comparison between the two.

If you see closely there is not a big nutritional difference between the two rice.

  •       ¼ cup white rice has 160 calories comparatively brown rice is only 10 calories lower
  •      White rice is lower in fat content
  •     Carbohydrate content is a little lower in brown rice compared to white rice.
  •        Protein is a little higher in brown rice

Bottom Line:

·         The claim: White rice is bad for you.
The truth:
 "Many nutrition experts demonize white rice and potatoes because it's an easy rule to remember and grasp, but these foods are really only a problem if you overeat them, which usually happens when you slather them in salty, fatty, sugary sauces—also making them a vehicle for salt, sugar, and fat."
      The claim: Brown rice is higher in fiber (one cup of cooked brown rice packs about three grams of fiber, while white contains only .5 grams), so it will keep you feeling full longer.
The truth:
 "If rice were the only thing being consumed at a meal, brown rice would likely take a bit longer to digest, and hence, someone would probably be more satiated after eating it. Satiety is governed by the components of an entire meal, though, so if someone was having curry lentils, veggies, and a side of white rice instead of brown, it probably wouldn't make much of a difference."
      The claim: Brown rice is less processed than white and is therefore healthier.
The truth:
 "Usually the more unprocessed a food, the better, because it contains more nutrients, but in this case the unprocessed component of the brown-rice grain contains both nutrients (good things for us to consume) and some anti-nutrients (maybe not a good thing for us to consume), which are what the plant uses as a defense system against pests."
      The claim: White rice is packed with empty calories.
The truth:
 "Rice has been a part of many healthy cultures for years, and since it's what I call 'calorie dilute' (a low number of calories per unit of food), it's tough to over-consume. To put it in perspective:
100 grams of cooked rice = 130 calories
100 grams of cooked beans= 200 calories
100 grams of Skittles = 410 calories"

Conclusion: You can't really go wrong either way, brown or white rice have very similar nutrition profiles. Rice should be eaten in moderation and in a combination with low carbohydrate foods.

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