Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Summer body

     A big agenda for most people as summer comes up is weight loss and looking good in those swimsuits. Who does not like to look and feel great on a beautiful day at the beach in the California sun! However, most people revert to the good old CRASH DIETING to loose weight as soon as possible. And to be honest crash diet has absolutely no positive benefits on your body or your weight.

     Crash dieting leads to slowed metabolism and also, over the period of time leads to weight gain instead of weight loss. Because our bodies are, through evolution, structured in such a way that in starvation it stores as much energy as it can. This means when we do not eat or starve for long or short periods of time our body panics and so whatever we eat gets stored in the body rather than being utilized as energy. This in turn increases body weight over a period of time.

     I would like to share with you a few tips for a healthy weight loss to look good at the beach this summer. There are five easy and sound ways to loose weight, which not only will boost your metabolism, but also help you loose that few pounds you desperately need to loose and manage to keep them off. Fitness rather thinness is the motto here.

1. Nutritious diet at the right time: Eating nutritious and every few hours is the key to a good weight-loss. For example, if you eat French fries everyday with your meal then trade it in with apple sides or a banana 2 days a week in the beginning. Then go from 2 days to 4 days and slowly cut it down to once a week. Apply the same idea to most of the high fat and calorific foods in your meals. Also, eat a little something like carrots, celery sticks, an orange etc every 3 to 4 hours as this will help to keep the body nourished and help loose that weight. Meal-time consistency is key in weight-loss.

2. Physical Exercise: This is as important as a healthy nutritious diet. However, exercise does not mean only paying for a membership at the gym and working out for 2 hours everyday! Exercise means walking for 2 miles three to four times a week with your dog at the park, playing football with your children, getting off a stop before your bus stop and walking the rest of the way and there are so many other ways to squeeze some sort of exercise in at least a few days a week in that busy schedule.

3. Chew well and eat slowly: Take time to enjoy your food. Firstly you have worked very hard to put that food on your plate so enjoy it to the fullest. Also, chewing well and eating slowly makes you fuller faster. As it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain you are full so if you eat fast you are likely to over-eat. 

4. Weight loss Regime: The perfect regime for weight loss is to set a goal to loose about 10% of your body weight over a 6 month period at the rate of about 0.5 to 2 pounds a week. A weight loss greater then this is not advisable.

5. Sleep and Water: A good night’s sleep is also very important for weight loss and about 8 hours of sleep should be a part of your life. Also, keep yourself hydrated. The adequate intake for total water for men and women is 3.7 L and 2.7 L per day, respectively.

     With summer coming fast, looking good in those swimsuits, shorts and skirts is important to everyone and just a few modifications to your diet and routine can get you there. No more crash diet…. No more starvation…………Say bye bye to that unwanted weight. Just follow the following tips and they should lead to you to a path of healthy and preferred weight loss and also help keep that unwanted weight at bay as you would not be starving yourself.

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