Friday, February 7, 2014


Mindful Eating: Do you really enjoy the food you eat?

Have you ever completed an entire bag of chips without realizing? Turned to a bag of snacks while watching television? Hit the bottom of the big tub of popcorn at a movie? Eaten a big bag of snacks right after dinner because it looked good and you had nothing else to do?

These are the symptoms of Mindless or Unconscious eating……

Many people eat while they watch TV, drive, work-even while talking on the telephone. And many people eat too fast, so busy filling the next forkful that they don't notice the bite in their mouth. Since your brain can only really focus on one thing at a time, you'll miss the subtle signs of fullness so you won't stop until you feel uncomfortable or until you run out of food. Most importantly, you won't enjoy your food as much so you have to eat more to feel satisfied.

Mindful Eating is Eating with Intention and Attention

Eating when done solely to satisfy hunger it is a natural, healthy, and pleasurable activity. ‘How’ you eat matters as much as how well you eat for a healthy lifestyle.
Choosing to eat "mindfully," in other words, giving food and eating your full attention, will allow you to have optimal satisfaction and enjoyment without over-eating…..

  • Mindful eating makes it possible for you to experience the difference between physical satisfaction and fullness.
  • Mindful eating also allows you to feel more satisfied with smaller quantities of food.
  • Learning to savor your food simply makes eating more pleasurable.
  • Knowing what satisfies you and getting the most pleasure from your eating experiences are key factors for a lifetime of health.

Simple steps for Mindful eating:
  1. Make sure you sit at a table to it. Do not eat in front of the T.V., with a tablet/phone on your hand or when you are distracted as this leads to over eating.
  2. Pause before beginning the meal. Look at each item of food, taking it in with your eyes.
  3. Notice the colors, textures, shapes and arrangements on your plate.
  4. Take a moment to appreciate your food. Thank the people who brought this food to you.
  5. Do not wait till you are starving… to eat…
  6. If you notice that you are eating without tasting, stop and pause to look at the food again.
  7. Put down the fork or spoon and don’t pick it up until the bite you have in your mouth is chewed and savored completely. You can close your eyes for real appreciation as you chew and swallow.
  8. Drink slowly before and after meals. When we gulp drinks, we don’t taste them. Hold the liquid in your mouth for few seconds before swallowing it. Put the cup or glass down while tasting and swallowing.
  9. Listening to your body for physical hunger and satiety (fullness) cues. Eat to feed your physical, not emotional, hunger. Remind yourself that you have alternative strategies for meeting your emotional needs.
  10. Remember that physical hunger likes nutritious, healthy food.
  11. Give permission to yourself to leave food on the plate. There is no rule that you have to finish all the food on your plate. Leave it and go back to it again when you are hungry.
  12. Eat in full view of others – no secret eating.
  13. Avoid emotional conversations when you eat (read my 'emotional eating' article for more info on this).

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